Being Busy vs. Being Productive as a Software Developer
Being Busy vs. Being Productive as a Software Developer
June 30, 2024
In my journey as a software developer, I've often found myself caught in the whirlwind of endless tasks and meetings. It felt like I was always busy, but I realized that being busy didn’t necessarily mean I was being productive. This distinction became clear as I learned to focus on outcomes rather than mere activity.
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Does Adding More People to a Project Speed Up the Development Process?
Does Adding More People to a Project Speed Up the Development Process?
June 18, 2024
In the realm of software development and project management, a perennial question often surfaces: "Does adding more people to a project speed up the development process?" This question is famously addressed in Fred Brooks' seminal work, "The Mythical Man-Month," which offers a cautionary perspective on the complexities and pitfalls of scaling a team to accelerate project timelines.
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Ethical Programmer
Ethical Programmer
December 8, 2018
If you are a programmer, you should be proud of yourself that you have worked so hard to be who you are today. You have spent uncountable sleepless night, writing codes, fixing bugs and enhancing your work just to see what you have done go live on the real world solving the real issues, making world changes and improving human lifestyle. Yes, you are awesome.
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